NET@PRO can manage distributed networks understood as plants belonging to the same group, company personnel that operates externally, clients, suppliers and subcontractors. In fact, the system lets you transfer and aggregate the data from every plant, supplier, and subcontractor so that it is available to the main office.
Supply Chain
NET@PRO can manage distributed networks understood as plants belonging to the same group, company personnel that operates externally, clients, suppliers and subcontractors.
In fact, the system lets you transfer and aggregate the data from every plant, supplier, and subcontractor so that it is available to the main office.
Who is it for?
Production managers
What need does it meet?
NET@PRO makes it possible to integrate more than one plant belonging to the same group: data is automatically transferred and aggregated in the main office in order to standardize interfacing toward the ERP and to create consolidated reporting. It is also possible to transfer information to external personnel, subcontractors and suppliers and decide, depending on your corporate policies, which information to publish for each individual user. The system lets you manage users and database access, their certification and security management.
What are the benefits?
- Greater accountability with respect to the result and greater engagement in the improvement process
- Reduces waste and produces fewer rejects
- Less material stock is held by subcontractors
- Improves the service level of subcontractors
- Drastically reduces travel time to and inspection visits at subcontractor premises
- Creates a paperless information exchange environment
Who is it for?
For all those companies that manage passive subcontracting.
What need does it meet?
The module meets the typical needs of a company that manages passive subcontracting, including: Managing subcontractor activities in real time. Controlling material stock and SL or PF Optimizing the shipment logistic stages of requested materials (transfers to external depots) and receipt of machined products (acceptance of subcontractor bills). Automation of supply flow processes and return of the processed items.
What are the benefits?
Optimized sharing of information between the purchasing company, the subcontractors and real-time activity control ensure effective work organization, making it possible to manage any unforeseen event and guaranteeing that scheduled delivery times are met.
Request information
Our specialized Qualitas team is here to provide expert advice and a free checkup to improve your company's productivity with a NET@PRO MES software demo and a functional analysis of the production flow.
Complete the form or write to ufficiomarketing@qualitas.it or call
+39 0445 641844