The protagonist
Morato Pane S.p.A. MES Project
Morato Pane S.p.A. originated in 1970 from the passion for bread of Luigi Morato who, in Vicenza, founded a small business that, in time, was destined to become a major company. Morato Pane, indeed, soon went from artisanal production to serving large retailers and, by 1989, expanding to production on a national level. To date, Morato, headed by Luigi's son Luca, is the second Italian group in the market of substitutes for industrial soft bread.
The challenge
The needs of Morato Pane
With the introduction of the new automatic palletizer, Morato was soon faced with the need to adopt a new MEPS software for optimizing production processes and allowing precision information flow management. The software previously used was in fact technologically obsolete, it did not ensure inventory reliability and was critical with regard to guaranteeing continuity because it was linked to a specific hardware.
The project
Aims of the project
To implement MEPS (Manufacturing Execution and Planning System) software that would allow integration with the new automatic palletizer and lead to improving control, management, scheduling, supervising and production measurement processes, as well as lot traceability and the physical tracking of materials.
"With the implementation of the NET@PRO MES, we have:
- Solved all the needs for tracing and tracking the finished product;
- Ottenuto versamenti automatici del prodotto finito direttamente dai nostri sistemi di pallettizzazione.
- Optimized the goods picking and shipping process by using barcodes.
- Managed the purchase of marketed products by using barcodes.
- Integrated the information flow between the ERP SAP, the production department and the supply chain;
- Applied a series of synergies and checks typical of "Industry 4.0"."
Vincenzo Bua, Head of Information Systems at Morato Pane SpA

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